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Shelagh Casebourne
Art can bring colour and mood to a home - finding the right space for a painting (or the right painting for a space) is such a rewarding feeling. Knowing that paintings leave my studio to begin new lives in unknown spaces is completely uplifting.
I'm attracted by the effects of light and shade in a landscape and I try to capture this in my work, as well as the feeling of space and shifting colour you get when painting plein air. My aim is to record the impression, the received sensation of a place in my paintings, rather than just recording 'what' I see. I hope that people can occasionally imagine themselves in my landscapes, and that it is a good feeling.
Buy with confidence as I want you to be completely happy with your purchase. See the FAQ section at the bottom of the page for more details.
Running workshops gives me the chance to share my love of the creative process with others. If you would like to hear about upcoming events, exhibitions and workshops, sign up below receive my newsletters, and don't forget to take a look at the 'What's happening?' page on my site.

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